[imp] Sean D & Jason Lohrenz - revisiting imp on plesk?

Sean D. mojospam at thegeekclub.net
Wed Jul 14 15:05:26 PDT 2004

ok.. coming in late in the discussion has my head spinning.
Jason is right the cert issue is a drawback if you've paid for a proper cert you 
may want a standalone horde install to accomadate it. I see you want it more 
like Plesk 5 but i never used Plesk 5 so i'm at a loss there, I came into it at 
Plesk 6.

Let me first clarify your goals... correct me if i'm wrong here.

1.) you want to have one url that all your virtual hosts use for their webmail. 
(because you bought a cert for it). e.g. if your biz is called acmehosting.com 
you want everyone to use "http://www.acmehosting.com/webmail" even if they are 
trying to access the email for bobsworld.com

2.) you want them to login with full email addresses only (this would actally be 
required for what i'm thinking you need). and the realm and maildomain must get 
set appropriately based on the username (parsed from the email addy they used as 
their username)

3.)  you want no security prompts for https (in other words you want to use your 
  purchased cert).

fear not!  i believe this is entirely possible (will require some tweaking for 

i need to know what the CN (common name) is on your cert.  I am a real moron 
when it comes to certs but i believe if you purchased a cert with a CN of 
webmail.acmehosting.com and try to use it for www.acmehosting.com/webmail then 
you will get a warning about domains not mathcing the CN?  (maybe somebody who 
knows more can answer this one) what i dont know is if you purchase the cert 
with a CN of only "acmehosting.com" and then use it for www.acmehosting.com or 
webmail.acmehosting.com do you still get the warning...?

some facts:
1.) yes plesks webmail uses just one cert for all domains, but its not true that 
you cant change it.  You just cant change it through plesk so they will tell 
you, you cant do it.  Plesk wants you to pretend there is no such thing as a 
shell or apache configs.  the plesk cert its using is /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.pem

2.) plesk's imp DOES use some simple apache calls (i think i pasted the code 
into one of my earlier posts) to grab the domain name from the url the user put 
in the browser (i.e. webmail.SOMEDOMAIN.com) and then set the "realm" and 
"maildomain" to somedomain.com.

3.) you CAN change a setting in plesk to force your users to use their full 
email addy when logging in (not just for webmail, but pop3 and imap as well) if 
you do this it opens up your options a bit for horde.

if you can do #3 above then i think you should do the following:

stand-alone horde install using your cert and tweaked out to set the maildomain 
from the username (i.e. full email addy).  or not at all perhaps as i dont 
believe either the realm or maildomain are required (realm would not be needed 
as the username would HAVE to be the full email addy, therefore every users 
mysql settings would be unique without adding anything to the end of the username)

if not... then i'll have ot think some more.

Sean D.

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