[imp] Re: Re: Attachment Limit??

BornSilly bornsilly2000 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 5 00:41:36 PDT 2004

Ty everybody for your help the problem is solved.
I am using Gentoo Linux which has a additional limit on the memory higher
then 520. this needed to be done in

hope this helps for somebody else in the future.

"Eric Rostetter" <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu> wrote in message
news:1091647124.40d0156636eaf at mail.ph.utexas.edu...
> Quoting Daniel Eckl <daniel.eckl at gmx.de>:
> > > I know faq are there for a reason thats why i read them ;-). I know
> If you read the archives, you'll find lots about this.
> I'm trying to update the FAQ to better address this issue, but one of the
> horde servers is down or unaccessible to me, so I can't yet.
> In the mean time, you should *always* provide sufficient information to
> help you.  Like what you've already tried, settings you've already
> operating system and version you use, php version, etc.
> If, for example, you are using apache 2.x from Red Hat, then they create
> a file called /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf in which they limit the size of
> a POST request to 512KB.  Changing this value will allow larger uploads.
> If you specified your environment, we might have been better able to help.
> Otherwise, we just have to guess, which is usually just a waste of
> time and effort.
> -- 
> Eric Rostetter
> The Department of Physics
> The University of Texas at Austin
> Why get even? Get odd!
> -- 
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