[imp] httpd consumes 99.9 % of CPU.

Anant S Athavale asa at isac.ernet.in
Sun Sep 26 23:14:32 PDT 2004

Dear members,

The problem is:

When a user logs in with userid in capital letters. ie. my actual id is "asa",
but I type "ASA" as my user id and login.  The  login takes place, but it won't
list any mails.  Login is successful because ldap does not care about case.

But, folders won't get listed/shown because capital letter userid mailbox does
not exist.  Till this no problem.

But, when a user tries to create a folder, httpd starts consuming 99% of CPU and
 there is no response for any user.  

I would like to know the solution for this. Where should I introduce a function
of PHP like "strtolower" to solve this problem.

Details of the system:

OS. - Redhat 9.
Apache : 2.0.40
PHP: downloaded from ftp.horde.org for redhat9

Horde 2.1
IMP 3.1


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