[imp] Empty Logout Screen with PhP 5.0.2

Josh Trutwin josh at trutwins.homeip.net
Sun Sep 26 20:53:33 PDT 2004

On Sun, 26 Sep 2004 23:08:59 -0400
Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org> wrote:

> I don't see this, though I'm not using IMP auth on my 2 php5 boxes.
> So, you're something of an early adopter and you'll have to narrow
> this down a bit. Blank pages usually indicate either php fatal
> errors or segfaults; you say you're not
> seeing segfaults, so investigate the php side. Make sure 
> error_reporting is all
> the way up, put in debugging code, etc.

Good suggestion, my error reporting was already at E_ALL.  I turned on the display_errors and double checked all the error related parameters and they look just fine.  I also turned off output buffering which has caused some odd problems in the past.  

Same deal though, blank page with no errors on the browser side or anywhere on the server side logs, etc.  Frustrating.  Any other suggestions?  I have a link to my phpinfo: http://trutwins.homeip.net/phpinfo.php - (after I reverted all my configs back to their previous settings)



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