[imp] strange error after updating to php5

Tom Whiting wolf at wolfstream.net
Sat Oct 30 15:54:22 PDT 2004

The script I'm using to update (rather simplistic actually)

export CVSROOT=:pserver:cvsread at anoncvs.horde.org:/repository
cvs login
cvs co horde
cd horde
cvs co turba imp forwards passwd sam vacation accounts nag ingo mnemo kronolith accounts passwd forwards vacation trean

I should probably change that to update, but it seems to work. Even after running that on a clean install, it's still creating problems.

Quoting Tom Whiting <wolf at wolfstream.net>:

> Ok, so I've heard horde is php5 compatable, but is it?

Entirely depends on the version of Horde you installed, which you
weren't clear
on. You mentioned CVS, but again, not what version you pulled from it (or, for
that matter, whose CVS).


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