[imp] Several problems with Horde+IMP

Brandon W. Uhlman brandon.uhlman at ssrlibrary.ca
Mon Jan 3 09:17:11 PST 2005

> Message: 9
> Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2005 17:55:08 +0100
> From: Yves Goergen <nospam.list at unclassified.de>
> Subject: Re: [imp] Several problems with Horde+IMP
> To: Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>
> Cc: imp at lists.horde.org
> Message-ID: <41D978EC.2010204 at unclassified.de>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> On 02.01.2005 23:54 (+0100), Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
>> Why don't you read docs/INSTALL, properly configure the preferences
>> backend (for
>> starters), and don't *ever* post another message complaining about 
>> errors when
>> you don't include the actual, complete error message.
> Well, I did read INSTALL of both archives (horde and IMP), otherwise I
> wouldn't have been able to do anything with it at all.
> And sorry for the missing error messages. Here they are (where applicable):
>> * Renaming a user leads to have me locked out. I renamed "Administrator"
>> to "yves" and had to correct things by hand in the database because I
>> could not log in anymore. Then I had to manually correct the config file
>> that I was Admin again.
> The message was "Login failed, incorrect password" (or something
> similar, I cannot remember anymore). This is fixed with 2 manual changes
> now.

When running the Horde setup under Administration on the left menu, did you
remember, under the 'Authentication' tab, to change the backend away from
"Automatic Authentication as a certain user" to something else 
(probably IMAP)?
When you talk about renaming a user, do you mean changing the names in the
"which users to treat as Administrators", located in the same place?

>> * I'm using Firefox 1.0 and the web interface makes a highly unstable
>> impression to me. Sometimes, I get the left menu, sometimes not.
>> Sometimes it can save settings, seldom not.

This happens to me too on occasion, though not as often as you say. You can
usually fix the problem by reloading the URL


>> * I cannot update my default identity. I could with the old horde, but
>> now it won't remember any changes. After storing them, I get a success
>> message, but in that moment, they're lost again. (...)

Do you have a persistent Preferences backend installed - that is, not 
'None' or
'PHP Sessions'? This would be under Administration => Setup => Horde under the
'Preferences System' tab.

> No error message visible here.
>> * (...) When I click on "Accounts", I get no checkbox,
>> but I can perform some operations on them. Great.
> Again, no error message, not even desired content.

I've never set up remote e-mail accounts for checking.

>> * What is that "Layout" button supposed to do? (...)
> Still no error message. It's just kicking boxes through my window. But
> this one's probably not an important thing for now.

I've never had problems with this. I'm using HEAD, not the release 
version, and
I have to do "php -q install-packages.php" for some of the layout modules to
work. I don't know if there's a similar step you need to do in the release

Hope this helps.


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