Performance (was Re: [imp] IMP H3 (4.0) (final))

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at
Mon Jan 3 18:43:16 PST 2005

Quoting Lidie Steve <sol0 at Lehigh.EDU>:

> On Jan 3, 2005, at 4:04 PM, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:
>> Quoting Steve Lidie <sol0 at Lehigh.EDU>:
>>> IMP 4 seems to be (much) slower than IMP 3.  On a fast Win32 box with 1
>>> GB memory running XP Pro, login to an account with 2,000 mails on IMP3
>>> requires a few seconds and 45 MB of memory on the PC.  The same account
>>> on IMP4 requires 2-3 *minutes* to login and uses 117 MB of memory.  The
>>> IMP 4 machine is bigger and faster than the IMP 3 machine and, not
>>> being production, has no load at all.  Assuming performance comparisons
>>> have been made, is what I am seeing expected behavior?
>> Expected? No. And that sounds awfully extreme. But IMP 4 hasn't been
>> performanced tuned the way that IMP 3 (being available stable for around 3
>> years) had been.
> OK, I'll begin poking around.  In the meantime, do you have anything
> specific I can do to help?

Have you followed horde/docs/PERFORMANCE?


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at]

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