[imp] IMP Layout bug

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Jan 5 19:41:37 PST 2005

Quoting "Stephen A. Cochran" <stephen.a.cochran.lists at cahir.net>:

> I'm getting a white (empty) gab betwee the "menu" and "header" divs in
> IMP. Present in Safari and Firefox. It seems to be caused by the <br />
> inserted between the two <script> tags that are between those divs.
> Removing that tag on a static test page fixed the problem.
> Any reason why the script tags are inside the body? And secondly, why
> there are two separate script sections one right after the other? Im
> hesitant to suggest a fix for this since I'm not sure of the rational
> behind it's inclusion in the first place.

I'm not sure what you consider a bug - there's supposed to be some 
space between
the menu and the next bit of content. Perhaps you could provide a screenshot?


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