[imp] Cannot view new message bodies / being cached. - SOLVED.

Jason Bassford jasonb at dante.com
Sun Jan 9 08:41:28 PST 2005

Okay, I solved my problem by removing PHP 5.0.3 and installing PHP 
4.3.10.  As soon as I did this, message bodies were no longer being 

>From this, it would appear as if Imp 4 using POP3 doesn't function 
properly with PHP 5.  I know that Imp's support of PHP 5 is 
experimental, so this isn't at all surprising.

My only comment here is that I'm a bit disappointed by the support 
contributions I've received here (variously being told I must be using 
some form of caching, and that I should simply switch from POP3 to IMAP) 
- am I actually the only person to be using PHP 5 and Imp in a POP3 

Anyway, for other people in the future who want to use Imp and POP3 - 
make sure that you don't use PHP 5 for now.


Jason Bassford         jasonb at dante.com
Inferno Enterprises    http://www.dante.com/users/jasonb/

* Welcome to the choir.

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