[imp] Re: Users don't want to "download" attachments

Daniel Eckl daniel.eckl at gmx.de
Tue Apr 12 14:43:22 PDT 2005

Hi Matthew!

Recently one of the horde devs has stated that this behavior does only work 
with IE and breaks other browsers totally and thus is wrong behavior. (That 
means: No way to get it back)

BTW: Please don't crosspost through multiple mailing lists of horde.
Above that, the copy to "hore at lists.horde.org" has not reached any horde list 
at all.
You could insert a "d" or prefix with a "w" ;)


Am Dienstag, 12. April 2005 23:25 schrieb Matthew Boehm:
> Daniel Eckl wrote:
> > If I missed a point because of you didn't really tell what is really
> > wanted, then please provide info.
> Here is what my users want: (this is the behavior in IMP < 4)
> Compose a new message to yourself. Attach to it an M$ Excel document (or M$
> Word). Send it.
> Click 'Inbox'. Click on the Subject. You should see your excel document
> attached. It should have the M$ Excel icon and be highlighted/underliend as
> a link.
> Click on that link. What "should/is expected to" happen is a new window
> should open and the attachement should be opened with excel inside that
> window. Again I repeat, this is exactly what happened with old IMP.
> In mime_drivers.php, if I comment out (or remove) the 3 M$ related elements
> of $mime_drivers_map['horde']['registered'], then I get "No such index
> msexcel" errors all over the place.
> It's as if parts of Horde are paying attention to my changes and other
> parts are not.
> -Matthew

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