[imp] Appledouble MIME attachments not parsing properly

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Fri May 27 08:18:59 PDT 2005

Quoting Kevin Myer <kevin_myer at iu13.org>:

> I'm seeing this issue in both FRAMEWORK_3 and HEAD.  It's manifested 
> itself with user reports that they are sending messages with 
> attachments and the recipient is claiming there is no attachment 
> there.  The message is the proper size and viewing the source shows 
> the raw MIME data is there.

How are you getting IMP to send appledouble messages? Or am I 
misunderstanding you?

> The MIME encoding looks right to me but what I see when I read the message in
> IMP is two text/plain parts - one is properly sized and contains the "Message
> written here...." text.  The other is 0KB and contains the "There was no text
> in this message part" notice.

So, if the problem is appledouble messages being sent from Mac clients, 
and then IMP *and* other clients can't see the attachments, then maybe 
there's an IMP problem but it sounds suspicious to me. If it's just IMP 
that can't see the attachments, then please create a bug ticket with a 
full message dump that we can use to debug it.

> Seems to be causing problems for non-IMP users too, who receive AppleDouble
> messages sent from IMP.

This is the part that confuses me.


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