[imp] Appledouble MIME attachments not parsing properly

Kevin Myer kevin_myer at iu13.org
Mon May 30 16:40:18 PDT 2005

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Quoting Kevin Myer <kevin_myer at iu13.org>:
>> I'm seeing this issue in both FRAMEWORK_3 and HEAD.  It's manifested
>> itself with user reports that they are sending messages with
>> attachments and the recipient is claiming there is no attachment
>> there.  The message is the proper size and viewing the source shows
>> the raw MIME data is there.
> How are you getting IMP to send appledouble messages? Or am I
> misunderstanding you?

User A, using IMP 4.0.3, sends to User B a message with an attachment.  The
attachment is MIME-encoded, as described in my original post:

Content-Type: multipart/appledouble;
	name="Summer HS Letter.doc"
Content-Disposition: attachment;
	filename="Summer HS Letter.doc"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

User B notifies User A that no attachment was received so User A sends again,
with same results.  User A notifies me, I look at the raw message in User B's
INBOX and it looks ok to me but when I share User B's mailbox, I can't see the
attachment either when I view the message with IMP.  I ask User A to send me a
message, attaching the same document she sent User B and I'm able to view it
without problems.

The most obvious difference (at least now - it wasn't late Thursday night) is
that the reply to me MIME-encodes it as:

Content-Type: application/x-unknown-application-msword;
	name="Summer HS Letter.doc"
Content-Disposition: attachment;
	filename="Summer HS Letter.doc"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

So I have no idea how initiating the sending of the message with the 
versus replying to my request to send me a copy results in different MIME
encoding, when the attachment comes from the same user, same browser, same
attachment...  The browser in use is Firefox, with Mac OS X.  User B is using
an older version of IMP (was uncertain what mail client she was using

> So, if the problem is appledouble messages being sent from Mac clients,
> and then IMP *and* other clients can't see the attachments, then maybe
> there's an IMP problem but it sounds suspicious to me. If it's just IMP
> that can't see the attachments, then please create a bug ticket with a
> full message dump that we can use to debug it.

At the very least, there's some oddity going on with IMP-generated sending of
Mac Word documents, as attachments.  I'd be happy if the whole concept of a
resource fork was nuked - they've caused us nothing but problems here and


Kevin M. Myer
Senior Systems Administrator
Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13  http://www.iu13.org

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