[imp] malformed mail

Rafael Varela Pet srrafa at usc.es
Wed Jun 8 01:47:33 PDT 2005


Our setup:

Horde: 2.2.8
IMP: 3.2.8

We have received some reports of users being unable to display one page
of their INBOX. In all cases IMP didn't display anything (in some cases
the browser shows "document contains no data", in other cases it's like
IMP is ignoring the click in the "next page" button).

In all cases the problem was solved after deleting the same SPAM
message. There was no problem with other IMAP clients. For example,
evolution shows the folder and message contents.

These are the headers:

From: "Celina
Blanco                                                .               .
[bugeyed bates boise seize bulldoze bismuth box knuckle cider rosenberg
shiv gelatin been vishnu clench condescension synonymous tulane
lightning billfold cobb marjorie pyrophosphate singsong bini greet
enable reversal casual ambulatory eldon capita
banks ]                                                      .               . [twaddle supervene antic plaid daimler ample we'll coliseum synopses presumption myeloid incurring christen cowhide tetrahedron gaucherie alligator ted adjoint follicular pirate depose absinthe eagan maintain pigment bilateral patriarchal versatec polaroid aztec massey coauthor albacore satan richter drumhead enol kitakyushu lynn ]                                                      .               . [morrow allyl antietam altercate canonic dentistry irresolvable pointwise compose flynn hydrostatic cabal clean anyplace catatonic latex apport caramel author primacy pro    of marguerite awe join curtail muskellunge holystone ]_NAME" <AAFUJOZ at yahoo.com>
Reply-To: "Celina
Blanco                                                .               .
[someplace transshipping altern bengal confect atheism yosemite inquiry
deny scabrous cup bethought helium twilight freya schizomycetes
armadillo clearwater vascular perforate
carborundum ]                                                      .               . [finessed coaxial scrap carlin aside conferee prosecute nikko himalaya dozen foxhall severalfold incomparable sophia corpsman cash kenneth airborne saturable ]                                                      .               . [hieratic sandpile amarillo bauhaus compile buoyant activation commentator belladonna plexiglas mnemonic lebesgue cargo hancock catapult thieves curtain therein ]_NAME" <AAFUJOZ at yahoo.com>
To: xpereira at usc.es
Subject: ***SPAM*** Seduzca 75% =?iso-8859-1?Q?m=E1s?= mujeres o
                     .               . [polk except moline deep
        desuetude beef dexter heavyweight twx ]
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2005 03:55:20 -0600
X-Mailer: AOL 2.5 for Windows US sub 419
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="--45416752803019015"
X-Priority: 3
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal


Rafael Varela Pet
Area de Tecnoloxías da Información e Comunicacións

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
15782 Santiago de Compostela

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