[imp] hardening imp against spammers

lst_hoe01@kwsoft.de lst_hoe01 at kwsoft.de
Wed Jun 29 12:54:49 PDT 2005

Zitat von Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at mail.curecanti.org>:

> DNSBL is a *very bad thing*.  See
> http://www.acme.com/mail_filtering/shame_frameset.html for a good
> description of the issues.
> Personal example: user sets up a machine on a home-based network that
> is on a business broadbank link (i.e. small business operator from
> home).  The business broadband provider also happens to provide home
> broadband support also.  Complete idiot DNSBL maintainers blacklist the
> user's address because a few (most definitely not all or even some)
> users on the home broadband have either infected computers or are doing
> bad things.  Therefore, because DNSBL maintainers are lazy or
> uneducated or both, instead of marking the individual addresses as bad
> they instead mark the entire block of addresses registered to the
> broadband provider as "bad" (We are talking entire Class C blocks
> here).  Since broadband provider does not provide information on how
> their blocks are allocated, businesses lose the ability to run their
> own servers due to ineptitude of DNSBL maintainers.
> Quite honestly, it is a subtle form of discrimination in that DNSBL
> maintainers can, by their actions, make certain broadband providers
> less desirable due to the fact that their network connection is now
> "tainted".

Let's do not go for this discussion again. Not DNSBL are bad, but using them
without understanding what they do is. At least read and understand the
listing/delisting policy and choose if it matches your requirements.



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