[imp] hardening imp against spammers
Michael M Slusarz
slusarz at mail.curecanti.org
Wed Jun 29 23:57:28 PDT 2005
Quoting lst_hoe01 at kwsoft.de:
> Zitat von Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at mail.curecanti.org>:
>> DNSBL is a *very bad thing*. See
>> http://www.acme.com/mail_filtering/shame_frameset.html for a good
>> description of the issues.
>> Personal example: user sets up a machine on a home-based network that
>> is on a business broadbank link (i.e. small business operator from
>> home). The business broadband provider also happens to provide home
>> broadband support also. Complete idiot DNSBL maintainers blacklist the
>> user's address because a few (most definitely not all or even some)
>> users on the home broadband have either infected computers or are doing
>> bad things. Therefore, because DNSBL maintainers are lazy or
>> uneducated or both, instead of marking the individual addresses as bad
>> they instead mark the entire block of addresses registered to the
>> broadband provider as "bad" (We are talking entire Class C blocks
>> here). Since broadband provider does not provide information on how
>> their blocks are allocated, businesses lose the ability to run their
>> own servers due to ineptitude of DNSBL maintainers.
>> Quite honestly, it is a subtle form of discrimination in that DNSBL
>> maintainers can, by their actions, make certain broadband providers
>> less desirable due to the fact that their network connection is now
>> "tainted".
> Let's do not go for this discussion again. Not DNSBL are bad, but using them
> without understanding what they do is. At least read and understand the
> listing/delisting policy and choose if it matches your requirements.
You completely misread what I wrote. The issue is that most users
*can't* read or select the listing/delisting policy because they have
no choice. I have no say in whether *your* provider uses DNSBL, but
that choice directly affects *me*. Simply because your provider uses a
DNSBL that has lazily adopted the idea that "all mail that come from
(supposed) dynamic home IP address blocks" (even though there
information is incorrect) should be blocked now means that I can't send
you emails. stupid. But this list is not the place to start a flame
war on this topic so I promise I will shut up now.
Michael Slusarz [slusarz at curecanti.org]
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