[imp] Preventing accidental "Report as Spam" submissions

Kevin Myer kevin_myer at iu13.org
Fri Jul 8 17:38:50 PDT 2005


A problem that occurs in our Horde environments, maybe once per week, is that
someone accidentally hits the Report as Spam link for a message and submits a
legitimate message as spam.  These are always caught by me, because all
manually submitted messages that make it past the spam filter are reviewed by
me, before being fed to the spam filter as missed.  However, this can have
interesting and unintended results for the submitter, in terms of privacy and
of "Where's my message?", especially if IMP is configured to delete messages
submitted as spam.

So I'm wondering - how can I prevent this from happening?  Is the solution to
make this a two step process, that includes a confirmation dialog box?  To
separate out the Report As Spam link and put it away by itself somewhere?  I
suspect some of the time that people are hitting the first thing they see that
is close to Reply (in terms of spelling, not proximity).

It was rather interesting tonight, when I checked my submitted spam folder, and
found a message related to and containing some very significant contracts that
are currently being negotiated.

Kevin M. Myer
Senior Systems Administrator
Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13  http://www.iu13.org

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