[imp] Upgrade to PHP 4.4.0 Horde problem

lst_hoe01@kwsoft.de lst_hoe01 at kwsoft.de
Wed Jul 13 01:35:55 PDT 2005

Zitat von Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Quoting Jaz <horde at harbell.net>:
>> And what of PHP 5.x?  Is the imminent horde 3.0.5 release assumed to
>> be ready for PHP5?
> Horde 3.0 was PHP5 compatible.
> -chuck

Is this the baseline for this problems or have i missed something ?

- Horde 2.x / IMP 3.x works with PHP 4 until 4.3.x and with 4.4.x there are
errors but as i tested it basically works (Horde 2.2.6 / IMP 3.2.6 / Turba

- Horde 2.x and IMP 3.x don't work with PHP 5 and never will

- Horde 3.x IMP 4.x should work with PHP 5 and PHP 4.4.x from the 
upcoming 3.0.5



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