[imp] how to automatically open mails at login ?

Herve Ballans ballans at lps.u-psud.fr
Tue Aug 9 08:14:58 PDT 2005

I've read the FAQ but I think there is no response to my question (I 
hope so :-))
I've installed a new version of webmail with the latest version of HORDE 
3.0.5 and IMP 4.0.3.
When I login to the webmail, there is a menu on the left side (Horde, 
mail, organizing, log out...) and on the main frame a message appear 
about the state of the last connection.
Is it possible to view directly the list of new mails on the home page, 
with no click on the the Mail menu ? (in fact, like the old version of 
horde 2.x/imp 3.x).
By the same way, I would like to cancel the horde link in the menu bar.
Thanks in advance for your reply.


Hervé Ballans

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