[imp] [IMP]how login directly to imp(h3 4.0.3)?

Matthew Isleb misleb at pnca.edu
Mon Aug 22 07:39:13 PDT 2005

Configure Horde to use IMP for authentication. The problem with this, though, is that it still brings up the horde frameset. I am looking for a way to go directly into IMP without the horde frameset.

>>> "maurizio amendola" <m.amendola at fineco.it> 08/22/05 3:56 AM >>>

I'm new to imp,horde and turba.
I have 
horde 3.0.5
Imp h3-4.0.3
And would like to login directly to imp without double authentication
request. I want to login in horde and go directly into imp. Can I help me? 
Thank you Maurizio

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