[imp] Problem attaching AutoCAD and dwf files...

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at mail.curecanti.org
Wed Sep 14 10:51:35 PDT 2005

Quoting Anant S Athavale <asa at isac.ernet.in>:

> I have installed latest stable versions of HORDE 3 and IMP 4 and have the
> following problem.
> If a AutoCAD or dwf file is attached with compose, and when the user receives
> the mail.
> 1. He sees the size of attchment almost double the size of attachement.
> 2. When saved, it almost equals the size of original attachment, but 
> is less by
> few bytes and hence is not useful.
> How to solve the problem.
> ------------------------------------
> output of test.php is as below:
> ------------------------------------
> Horde Version
>    * Horde: 3.0.5
> Horde Applications
>    * Horde: 3.0.5
>    * Imp: H3 (4.0.3) (run Imp tests)
>    * Ingo: H3 (1.0.1) (run Ingo tests)
>    * Kronolith: H3 (2.0.3)
>    * Nag: H3 (2.0.2)
>    * Passwd: 3.0-cvs
>    * Scry: 0.1-cvs
>    * Turba: H3 (2.0.3) (run Turba tests)
> PHP Version
>    * View phpinfo() screen
>    * View loaded extensions
>    * PHP Version: 4.3.9
>    * PHP Major Version: 4.3
>    * PHP Minor Version: 9
>    * PHP Version Classification: release
>    * You are running a supported version of PHP.
> PHP Module Capabilities
>    * Ctype Support: Yes
>    * DOM XML Support: Yes
>    * FTP Support: Yes
>    * GD Support: Yes
>    * Gettext Support: Yes
>    * Iconv Support: Yes
>    * IMAP Support: Yes
>    * LDAP Support: Yes
>    * Mbstring Support: Yes
>    * Mcrypt Support: No
>    * MIME Magic Support (fileinfo): No
>      The fileinfo PECL module or the mime_magic PHP extension (see 
> below) will
> most likely provide faster MIME Magic lookups than the built-in Horde 
> PHP magic
> code. See horde/docs/INSTALL for information on how to install PECL/PHP
> extensions.
>    * MIME Magic Support (mime_magic): Yes
>    * MySQL Support: Yes
>    * OpenSSL Support: Yes
>    * PostgreSQL Support: Yes
>    * Session Support: Yes
>    * XML Support: Yes
>    * Zlib Support: Yes
> Miscellaneous PHP Settings
>    * magic_quotes_runtime disabled: Yes
>    * memory_limit disabled: No
>      If PHP's internal memory limit is turned on and if not set high enough
> Horde will not be able to handle large data items (e.g. large mail 
> attachments
> in IMP). If possible, you should disable the PHP memory limit by recompiling
> PHP without the "--enable-memory-limit" flag. If this is not 
> possible, then you
> should set the value of memory_limit in php.ini to a sufficiently high value
> (Current value of memory_limit: -1).
>    * safe_mode disabled: Yes
>    * session.use_trans_sid disabled: Yes
>    * session.auto_start disabled: Yes
> File Uploads
>    * file_uploads enabled: Yes
>    * upload_max_filesize: 5M
>    * post_max_size: 8M
> Required Horde Configuration Files
>    * config/conf.php: Yes
>    * config/mime_drivers.php: Yes
>    * config/nls.php: Yes
>    * config/prefs.php: Yes
>    * config/registry.php: Yes
> PHP Sessions
>    * Session counter: 1
>    * To unregister the session: click here
>    * PEAR Search Path (PHP's include_path):  
> /home/horde/lib:.:/usr/share/pear
>    * PEAR: Yes
>    * Recent PEAR: Yes
>    * Mail: Yes
>    * Mail_Mime: Yes
>    * Log: Yes
>    * DB: Yes
>    * Net_Socket: Yes
>    * Date: Yes
>    * Auth_SASL: Yes
>    * HTTP_Request: Yes
>    * File: Yes
>    * Net_SMTP: Yes
>    * Services_Weather: No
>      Services_Weather is used by the weather applet/block on the portal page.
> Valid XHTML 1.0!


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at curecanti.org]

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