[imp] beating the "blank screen" dead horse.

Stephen Braswell sbraswe1+horde at email.unc.edu
Fri Sep 16 22:02:15 PDT 2005

> Its just blank. I dont see any errors in apache or horde logs.

Do you log your PHP logs to a different file (see php.ini)?  If so, are 
there any errors there?  If not, try setting logging to a different file 
and make sure error logging is turned up to E_ALL (either in php.ini or the 
Horde setup).  Go to page that turns up blank.  Did anything get logged?

> what do you suggest?

Are all the required PEAR packages listed in the 'docs/INSTALL' file for 
each module installed?  I've gotten blank screens when doing fresh 
installations and forgetting to install one of the required PEAR packages 
(which should show up as a fatal PHP error in a log).

Does the 'include_path' in php.ini include the correct location for 
installed PEAR packages?  Same issue as above.  If PHP can't find the PEAR 
packages, it has to assume they aren't installed.

Try going to http://webhost/horde/test.php and see what's installed (not 
everything on that page is required to make things work but most are 
useful).  Look at the bottom of the page at the PEAR section.  Also check 
out the IMP test page (/horde/imp/test.php).

I hope that's a good starting point.  I'll see if I can remember any other 
issues where I missed something during an installation that caused a blank 



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