[imp] Display and close windows

Eric Bordenave eric.bordenave at ibgc.u-bordeaux2.fr
Wed Nov 23 02:31:03 PST 2005


I use horde/imp since few years without problems.
Yesterday; I've installed horde 3.0.6 / imp h3-4.0.4
on a fedora core 4 with apache 2.0.54 and php 5.0.4.
The files horde/test.php and Run Imp tests are OK.
When I launch imp, I obtain the authentication box
but the following window can't display. I must reload
with page and so I see my Inbox and I can work normally.
. I have a problem so when I quit Imp, the windows
doesn't close automatically, I must close her manually.
I have the same problem with Internet Explorer and

Have you an idea ?


Eric Bordenave

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