[imp] Quota over 2GB

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Mon Mar 13 10:15:40 PST 2006

Zitat von Matus UHLAR - fantomas <uhlar at fantomas.sk>:

> On 13.03.06 14:25, ssoo at siliconfile.com wrote:
>> Horde/IMP cannot handle quota over 2GB:
>>   Under 2GB quota -> Quota status: 45.81MB / 1024.00MB (4.47%)
>>   Over 2GB quota -> Quota status: NO LIMIT
> It's probably because of using 32-bit integer...

Yes, probably. The question is which part of the chain is failing:  
Courier, c-client, PHP, IMP?

>> My environments are:
>>   Pentium4(32bit), FreeBSD-5.3, Exim-4.60, Courier-IMAP-4.1.0,
>>   Horde-3.1 / IMP(H3)-4.1
>> horde/imp/config/servers.php:
>> $servers['imap'] = array(
>>      ...
>>      'quota' => array(
>>          'driver' => 'courier',
>>          'params' => '',
>>      ),
>> );
>> Exim-4.60 can handle quota over 2GB.
>> I don't know couier-imap and horde/imp can handle it.
> It only needs to use 64-bit integer but I don't know if it can currently...
> I hope I helped you at least a bit, so you know what to search for...

PHP doesn't know 64bit integers, but should automatically cast to  
float on integer overflows. So my guess it, the quota values don't  
even reach PHP code.


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