[imp] link to show/hide deleted messages (patch 2)

Marc Fellman marc.fellman at gmail.com
Tue Mar 21 03:23:20 PST 2006

2006/3/21, Jan Kuipers <jrkuipers at lauwerscollege.nl>:
> Regarding FW3 branch:
> Another patch for imp/lib/Mailbox.php (the logic for isVINBOXFolder
> didn't work)
> --
> Jan Kuipers,
> Systeembeheer Lauwers College

Hi Jan (and others),

I'm still on CVS HEAD and I'm still having the problem that the links
don't show up. I hide the deleted messages (I'm unable to change
this!) and I'm sure there are deleted messages (The numbering of the
messages show gaps where I deleted a message). Only if i add the line:

        $ret_array = array('hide' => true, 'purge' => true);

at the end of the showDeleteLinks function I'm able to do some usefull
stuff with the deleted messages. Just to be sure I did a cvs update a
few minutes ago, genereated a new horde/imp/config/conf.php with the
horde settings menu and logged ouot and back in. It seems to be
related to the PURGE "attribute" or "option". If this is set to false
in my case I dan't see a hide/show deleted messages.

But I'm no expert and it is hard for me to do a simple debug. It could
offcourse be related to something else. As earlier I will try to see
what's causing it in my case but all patches haven't helped me yet.

Met Vriendelijke Groet / With Kind Regards

Marc Fellman

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