[imp] IMP 4.1 and Cyrus - INBOX and subfolders

Tornoci Laszlo torlasz at xenia.sote.hu
Thu Mar 23 03:04:41 PST 2006

Peter Reuterås wrote:
> On Wed, 22 Mar 2006, Stefan Gatterbauer wrote:
>>Maybe  http://wiki.horde.org/CyrusHierarchical?referrer=HowTo  could be what
>>you are looking for.
>>It is working perfectly for me with Cyrus 2.3.3, PHP 4.4.2, Apache  
>>1.3.34 and Horde HEAD.
> Thanks! That was it. I have made a new patch against the Horde 3.1 and Imp 
> 4.1 source, since the default path is horde/imp/lib/IMAP/Tree.php and not 
> horde/framework/IMAP/IMAP/Tree.php. It's available at
> http://www.reuteras.com/downloads/patches/horde_inbox_patch.txt. 
> /Peter

Thank you, that's a very good solution. However, I don't understand why
the developers don't want to include this into the regular Horde/IMP
source. I have already made this point in the bug tracker (see
http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=3004), but let me explain it a bit more

I see the point that IMP 4.1 - as it is - suits better simple IMAP
setups, but with Cyrus IMAPD we can have shared mailbox trees and one
user can give access to some of her mailbox folders to other users as
well - these things are *very* useful.

With the patch I can make the folder tree like this:

+--Virtual Folders

'net' is a shared mailbox tree, 'user' is a tree of other users' mailbox
folders I have access with my own auth credentials.

Without the patch, the 'net' and 'user' hierarchies get mixed with the
INBOX one. I *know* many of my users (who sometimes can't remember
folders they created themselves) will not recognize that shared folders
are not their own, and will complain to me, that the system is 'broken',
because they cannot write to or delete those folders. On the other hand,
if the folder tree is like above, they are more likely to recognize,
that shared folders are 'different'. It is also a lot easier to navigate
if you have many folders.

The above folder tree may not be RFC compliant, but in my experience it
causes less confusion then mixing personal and shared mailboxes. Another
thing: some of my users access their mail sometimes through IMP,
sometimes through an IMAP client (like Thunderbird). Most IMAP clients
use a folder tree like the one above. It is a bit annoying to see
different folder trees depending on the access method.

So why not give a choice for the site admins by simply including this
patch into Horde?

                                     Yours: Laszlo

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