[imp] Horde2/IMP3 coexisting with Horde3/IMP4 and sharing MySQL DB?

Alain Fauconnet alain at ait.ac.th
Sun Apr 2 19:21:46 PDT 2006

Hello readers,

I've searched the archive but failed to find definite answers to this,
neither in the UPGRADING files (hope I haven't just missed them). I
have an old, busy installation of Horde 2.2.5 / IMP 3.2.3 on a
production machine heavily used by people with very limited tolerance
to any kind of inconvenience. I have installed Horde 3.0.10 / IMP
4.0.4 aside to this production installation, running over a private
database for now. (I wish to avoid going straight to Horde 3.1 / IMP
4.1 at this point, what I read on this mailing list makes me think
it's wiser to let them mature a bit more in the context of this
particular web mail service).

Is there any way to have these two installations share the same
database? That would allow for a smoother transition and let the most
conservative users (we have quite a few) keep using the old version
for as long as I can maintain it. I've noticed that the DB schema has
changed quite significantly: new tables, tables with more columns...
This and the number of INSERT statements with list of values in
the code makes me pessimistic about this being possible.

Thanks in advance for any tip,

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