[imp] Setting up multiple versions of Horde/IMP

Stephen A. Cochran Lists stephen.a.cochran.lists at cahir.net
Sun Apr 16 21:52:03 PDT 2006

I'm upgrading to the latest version of Horde/IMP to get the recent  
security patches, and I want to test the setup before going live.

I have the production install in


and I put the new version in


where imp, turba, etc are children of test.

I've added the apache Alias directives to send /test to /var/www/html/ 
mail/test just like I have for /horde and /var/www/html/mail/horde,  
but I'm still running into a problem.

Going to http://mail.example.com/ goes to the production setup as  
expected, but going to http://mail.example.com/test redirects to / 
horde/imp/login.php. I can to directly to /test/imp/login.php and I  
see the correct login screen, but looking at the source the action  
for the button points to /horde/imp/redirect.php.

How do I tell this install of horde/imp that it is located in /test,  
not in /horde? I tried changing $webroot in registry.php to /test,  
but that didn't work.

Note: Changing the 'name' setting in the horde config in registry.php  
failed to change the "Welcome to Horde" on the login screen to the  
new value as I expected from line 152 in imp/login.php. Something not  
working right with registry.php?


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