[imp] Sometimes slow behavior of Horde (3.1.1) / IMP (4.1)

Alexander Leidinger Alexander at Leidinger.net
Mon Apr 17 08:03:45 PDT 2006


after several (around 3-7) email messages which are displayed fast in
IMP, I have to wait a long time for the next message. After this slow
behavior, I may be able to proceed fast for some messages again, or it
will be slow once more. The system itself is idle when I notice such a

I activated the debug logging of horde and waited until it "hangs for a
while" again. The last two log lines after clicking on a message in IMP
and watching the log fill up are:
Apr 17 16:38:43 HORDE [debug] [turba] SQL Query by DataTree_sql::_loadById(): SELECT datatree_id, datatree_name, datatree_parents, datatree_order FROM horde_datatree WHERE datatree_id IN (?, ?) AND group_uid = ? ORDER BY datatree_id [on line 372 of "/usr/local/www/horde/lib/Horde/DataTree/sql.php"]

Apr 17 16:38:43 HORDE [debug] [turba] SQL Query by DataTree_sql::getAttributes(): SELECT datatree_id, attribute_name AS name, attribute_key AS "key", attribute_value AS value FROM horde_datatree_attributes WHERE datatree_id IN (1) [on line 989 of "/usr/local/www/horde/lib/Horde/DataTree/sql.php"]

Then the browser shows the busy-spinner for a while and there's no
activity in the log. After roughly a minute the log starts to fill
again and shortly after that the browser displays the message. The
first two log lines after the delay are:
Apr 17 16:39:59 HORDE [debug] [turba] SQL Query by
DataTree_sql::_buildParentIds(): SELECT datatree_id, datatree_parents
FROM horde_datatree WHERE datatree_name = ? AND group_uid = ? ORDER BY
datatree_id [on line 261 of "/usr/local/www/horde/lib/Horde/DataTree/sql.php"]

Apr 17 16:39:59 HORDE [debug] [turba] SQL Query by DataTree_sql::_load(): SELECT
c.datatree_id, c.datatree_name, c.datatree_parents, c.datatree_order
FROM horde_datatree c WHERE c.group_uid = 'horde.perms'  [on line 130
of "/usr/local/www/horde/lib/Horde/DataTree/sql.php"]

I'm the only user on this system (apache 1.3.34 + mod_ssl 2.8.25, mysql
4.0.26, php 4.4.2, Courier IMAP 4.0.6, FreeBSD 4.11, 100 MBit LAN with
no traffic except for the browsing session within IMP). I noticed this
behavior after an upgrade from horde 3.0 (which didn't showed this
behavior). First I thought I may have a problem in the DB (since the
migration script didn't succeeded), so I dropped the complete horde DB
and created it from scratch (no backup/restore, so no old data which
may interfere here). But even with this virgin DB I see this problem.

Is this a known bug, do you need some more details or some more debug
output (I have a copy of the complete log available) or some infos
about my configuration?


         The computer revolution is over. The computers won.
http://www.Leidinger.net                       Alexander @ Leidinger.net
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