[imp] gpg/ pgp seems a bit buggy

Chris H. fbsd at 1command.com
Wed Apr 19 01:16:05 PDT 2006

Hello, and thank you very much for your reply.
In all cases it recognizes it as a pgp/gpg signed message; as indicated
by the lock in the upper left hand corner of the message after I open it.
Here is an example: I have imported both my private & public keys into
IMP. I have Sign Messages as the default option for sending email. I
send a message to this group for example. I am prompted for the password
after I hit send. When the message I sent arrives, sometimes it has a
locked envelope icon, sometimes it has the paperclip next to the envelope
icon. In all cases, I am using my same keys. When I open the message,
sometimes I see the lock and the text indicating this is a pgp/gpg signed
message and the confirmation that it is valid. But sometimes I see the lock
and the text indicating that it is a pgp/gpg signed message and the
confirmation text indicating that it is valid *and* my name and email
address. *However*, the difference is not consistent, nor does it
corospond in any way with the differences in the locked envelope, or
paperclip envelope. There is no distinct pattern that I can find. So I
was hoping that those who know, could shed some light on these anomolies.

Thank you again for your reply. I hope you (or someone else) have/ has
the answer.

--Chris H.

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von "Chris H." <fbsd at 1command.com>:
>> Hello all,
>> It seems that the gnupg/ pgp support is a bit buggy. Why do many
>> emails I send have a paperclip icon beside the envelope icon while
>> others have the the locked envelope? This happens while using the
>> same username/ logon and I notice this with other signed mail I
>> recieve by the same user. Is there a solution for my version(s)?
> First of all, there are different formats for signed messages, you  
> probably see the clip for one and the lock for others.
> But more important, what we display is determined by the information  
> we retrieve from the mailbox listing, if we don't display a lock, we  
> simply don't know it's a signed or encrypted message.
> Jan.
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FreeBSD 5.4-RELEASE-p12 (SMP - 900x2) Tue Mar 7 19:37:23 PST 2006

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