[imp] S/MIME and centrally stored Certs

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Apr 19 12:10:44 PDT 2006

Quoting Harakiri <harakiri_23 at yahoo.com>:

> Netscape 4.7x was indeed able to sign formular data
> locally using javascript - but that was only for
> Netscape - im not sure if mozilla was able to do that
> too
> http://docs.sun.com/source/816-6152-10/sgntxt.htm

alert(typeof crypto.signText) in Firefox gives 'function' for me, so  
looks possible. I've added client-side s/mime as a suggested project  
for the Summer of Code:



"we are plastered to the windshield of the bus that is time." - Chris

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