[imp] Display of folders from Cyrus IMAPD

Andrew Morgan morgan at orst.edu
Thu Apr 20 13:33:59 PDT 2006

On Thu, 20 Apr 2006, Aleksandar Milivojevic wrote:

> Anyhow.  Where my private subfolders appear in display was only minor thing 
> to me.  My biggest grief was seeing that strange mix of private and public 
> folders at the same level.  However, if this is something that was already 
> being addressed, I guess I shouldn't complain (too much) ;-)

In the generic sense, what does it mean when an IMAP server presents 
multiple namespaces to an IMAP client?

I run Cyrus myself and can have three different namespaces:

INBOX. (or just "." with altnamespace: 1)
Other Users.
Shared Folders.

It seems to me that IMP should distinguish the 2nd and 3rd namespaces on 
the user's screen somehow, although I can understand how that might be 

For example, let's say I had the following folders:

Other Users.bob
Shared Folders.helpdesk

How would IMP display this?


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