[imp] IMAP recommendations anyone?

Mark Worsdall imp at worsdall.demon.co.uk
Thu May 4 13:20:13 PDT 2006

In message <20060427062239.t7thxo5lc8g8skgg at webmail.1command.com>, Chris 
H. <fbsd at 1command.com> writes
>Hello all,
>I was recently able to get a stubborn installation of h-3.11+imp-4.1
>completed. This was _technically_ a upgrade attempt from h-3.09. However,
>as I am using MySQL to contain everything. I simply backed up the DB
>and did a delete-all-old-installs and start a fresh install of 3.11+4.1.
>Anyway, now that everything is working, it is about 5-7 times slower than
>the 3.09 install was. So, as I am quite sure it is IMAP server related:
>more precicely; UW-IMAP related, I was was hoping to solicit some
>recommendations/ experiences from everyone on the list. I've enjoyed
>UW-IMAP all these years because it has been well supported and I'm familiar
>with it's many quirks. But as time goes by, it becomes increasingly
>difficult to configure (HACK the source) it. So I am hoping that those
>whom are familiar with the other implimentations of IMAP servers (Cyrus,
>Dovecot, etc...) might share their experiences with them here. The output
>would also make a great contribution to IMP/ Horde documentation. :)
>Anyway, I eagerly await any and all comments. :)
>Thank you for all your consideration.
>--Chris H.
>P.S. This install is on a FreeBSD server.


It has a port is easy to install has conversion documentation nad has 
run faultlessly since we converted over.

tip: Most of what you need to configure is in the conf file after 

Mark Worsdall
http://www.shadowrobot.com/  need a hand??

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