[imp] Mail sorting

Tom Sahrendt zeitenflug at yahoo.com
Sat May 27 00:32:07 PDT 2006

Hi, Eric!

> sure sounds like it. i dont think you are an
> administrator on your installation. if you
> were, you would be seeing those options.

My conf.php contains a line saying:

$conf['auth']['admins'] = array('Administrator');

And I log in as Administrator. Furthermore, if I
was recognized as ordinary user, I shouldn't be
able to fiddle around with those other options
like "Database" or "Authentification" or "User
Capabilities and Constraints".

Furthermore, we're talking about the sort order
of a folder here. This should be determined by
the user, I guess. Probably other users have
other needs than I do.

> I would nuke (rm -r) your horde directory and
> do a clean install of horde only to start.  Run
> the tests
> (http://yourserver.com/horde/test.php), ensure
> things work, setup an administrator acct, etc. 
> once that is looking good, start adding things
> like IMP, Gollum, etc.

Okay, I did this.

> again, if you do not see an Administration menu
> with Setup under it, something is NOT right and
> you wont be able to configure the base system.

It seems as if there was a misunderstanding. IE
translated the word "setup" to "configuration"
due to the country code I suppose and I used
"configuration" because it's an English term as
well. When I use Firefox instead of IE it's
called "setup". However, this only changes the
name, not the options I have. As I said earlier,
when I click on "setup" I have to decide whether
I want to setup HORDE or IMP.

HORDE offers:

 Sign Up
 Preference System
 DataTree System
 Cache System
 Token System
 Virtual File Storage
 Custom Session Handler
 Image Manipulation
 MIME Detection
 Hostname->Country Lookup
 Problem Reporting
 Menu Settings
 Custom Function Hooks
 Portal Block Configuration
 IMSP server settings
 Kolab Groupware Server

IMP offers:

 External Utilities and Menu
 User Capabilities and Constraints
 Mail Server
 Mailbox and Fetchmail
 Message and Spam
 Custom Hooks
 Other settings

There is no option to adjust the number of
messages in my inbox nor to set the sort order.
However, I suppose this should not be done in
Administrator settings, but each user should be
able to determine his/her own sort order.

> What OS did you install this on?

SuSE 9.1.


Try the all-new Yahoo! Mail. "The New Version is radically easier to use" – The Wall Street Journal 

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