[imp] Passing auth credentials to compose

MIlos Prudek prudek at bvx.cz
Tue May 30 01:09:28 PDT 2006


I need to enhance integration of imp with a third party application. A user in 
a third party app should be able to login to Horde and display IMP's compose 
window at the same time. Credentials are ready to be passed via POST.

A form could, of course, POST imapuser=xxx, pass=xxx, and action=compose to 
redirect.php, but redirect.php then opens the mailbox and tries to open 
Compose in a new window (blocked by popup blockers). 

And compose.php does not accept imapuser and pass POSTed to it.

The best solution for me would be to:

- From my app (written in Zope/Python) "silently" log into Horde, i.e. to 
somehow get the Horde auth cookie into user's browser after the user POSTs 
his credentials from a form in my app. Silently means without actually 
displaying any Horde page. 

- User, having the Horde auth cookie, would then be redirected via 304 to 
horde/imp/compose.php?to=john at example.com

Is this idea of silent login and redirect not feasible because of limitations 
of CGI communications? Is it too contrived?

My current horde is 2.2.5 and imp is 3.2.3. I apologize for that, there was no 
compelling reason to upgrafe so far. I am ready to upgrade if it would help 
solve my problem.

Milos Prudek

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