[imp] Dimp Settings broken?

Hauke Müller hauke at mueller-martens.de
Sun Aug 13 01:58:47 PDT 2006


I've a current cvs (Head) install of Horde/Imp/Dimp/etc. and it works  
quite stable so far. Except when I click on the Dimp settings then  
I'll get this error message:

Warning: Prefs_UI::require(/Library/WebServer/Documents/horde/ 
config/../dimp/templates/common-header.inc) [function.Prefs-UI- 
require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/ 
local/lib/php/Horde/Prefs/UI.php on line 250

Fatal error: Prefs_UI::require() [function.require]: Failed opening  
required '/Library/WebServer/Documents/horde/config/../dimp/templates/ 
common-header.inc' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /usr/ 
local/lib/php/Horde/Prefs/UI.php on line 250

Other modules do have a common-header.inc but apparently not Dimp. Am  
I missing something?


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