[imp] Type of LDAP server used

Thierry Voyat Thierry.Voyat at ac-amiens.fr
Thu Sep 28 01:00:06 PDT 2006

Alan Kong a écrit :
> Dear All,
> Just wonder which LDAP server is used for integrating with imp/horde
> applications. Is openldap a popular choice?
> Thank you.
> Regards
> Alan

I started with iPlanet Directory Server 4.15. that functioned without
problems execpt the huge number of writings generated by Horde

Migrating to Directory SUN JES2005 (Directory 5.2) was catastrophic (20
secondes for each login and heavy load on my directory) and I had to
migrate towards a base mysql

I had the same behavior with Fedora Directoy Server 5.1 where the
desactivation of the plugin "role" corrected the problem.
SUN directory still cause a 20 seconds delay at connection.

But beware, for an important load, LDAP is a bad choice (all the entries
are written with each connection and LDAP is not made to write...)

My directory contains 120.000 entries for 60.000 users and 12.540 have
horde prefs stored in mysql.


     ?????      Thierry VOYAT       Tél: (33) 3 22 82 38 39
    ( 0 0 )     Rectorat Amiens     Fax: (33) 3 22 82 39 16
 --oOo(_)oOo--  20 boulevard Alsace-Lorraine - 80063 AMIENS
Un groupe de loups, c'est une horde. Un groupe de vaches, c'est un
troupeau. Un groupe d'hommes, c'est souvent une bande de cons.
        -+- Philippe Geluck, Le chat -+-

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