[imp] A bit off topic, Pound signs displaying differently on 2 seemingly identical installs.

Andy Wright horde at eltofts.homelinux.com
Fri Oct 20 06:29:05 PDT 2006


I have a couple of Centos4 servers running Horde but despite being 
configured the same (same Apache configs, Horde & Framework copied from 
one server to the other) seem to be treating £ - Pound Signs differently 
when viewed within IMP

On one the pound sign is preceded by  (capital A with a 'hat' accent 
above), on the other server the pound sign displays correctly.

The configs for apache and Horde have been copied from one server to the 
other so that rules out a difference in some parameter in the config 
files. Likewise, Horde and its framework were copied across and 
install-packages.php run.

So, apart from Apache and Horde itself, there must be a difference 
between the servers.... the question is would anyone happen to know 
where to look to track this down ?


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