[imp] Large attachment download problem
Lista IMP
lista.imp at mg.trt.gov.br
Fri Oct 20 06:04:44 PDT 2006
Hi guys,
I was with this same problem: Blank Screen
Some of you suggested read the Horde Wiki (I read and applyed it) but
It didn´t solve my problem.
I took the following actions together and so far my problem of blank screen
1) Change the following tags in php.ini:
session.cache_limiter = private_no_expire
max_execution_time = 60
max_input_time = 60
memory_limit = 50M
include_path = "/usr/share/pear"
upload_max_filesize = 30M
post_max_size = 30M
2) Upgrade Horde, IMP & Turba to their latest versions
3) Update all Horde required pear packages (pear update package_name)
4) Configured Horde to always generate SSL urls and also set up SSL port to
Remember I´ve already applyed the update recomended by the Horde Wiki (
about libc-client) as far as I use courier-imap/courier-auth.)
Well, I'm still testing this new config, but the results are very good. I
I may help someone with this.
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