[imp] Quota display "quota status: NO LIMIT", please help
lucien.gentis at lorraine.iufm.fr
Fri Oct 27 02:09:52 PDT 2006
Greg Hadiwinata a écrit :
>I'm a newbie webserver administrator. I've been trying to setup Imp to display quota for my email users. After going through the mailing list, and trying out several instructions, I still haven't been able to show quota properly.
>Currently I'm using Imp: H3 (4.1.1). I have made modification to servers.php to include quota as follows:
>$servers['imap'] = array(
> 'name' => 'IMAP Server',
> 'server' => 'localhost',
> 'hordeauth' => 'full',
> 'protocol' => 'imap/notls',
> 'port' => 143,
> 'folders' => 'INBOX.',
> 'namespace' => '',
> 'maildomain' => $DomainName ,
> 'smtphost' => 'localhost',
> 'smtpport' => 25,
> 'realm' => '',
> 'preferred' => '',
> 'dotfiles' => false,
> 'quota' => array(
> 'driver' => 'courier',
> 'params' => array(
> 'login' => '',
> 'password' => ''
> )
> ),
> 'hierarchies' => array()
>The result was, I can now see a "quota bar" along with a "quota status", the problem is the quota status displayed "NO LIMIT" thus the quota bar is empty since it thought that there is no quota, even though I have set quota (through plesk).
>Can anybody help me get this quota thing working? Thanks in advance.
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It works for me with:
'quota' => array('driver' => 'courier','params' => array())
IUFM de Lorraine
Centre de Ressources Informatiques
5, Rue Paul Richard
Tél. 03 83 17 68 41
Email : lucien.gentis at lorraine.iufm.fr
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