[imp] replacing from_addr field in IMP identity prefs

lst_hoe01@kwsoft.de lst_hoe01 at kwsoft.de
Wed Nov 8 07:02:48 PST 2006

Zitat von Joe Auty <jauty at indiana.edu>:

> Hello,
> We would like to replace the from_addr Identity field with a pull- 
> down menu of pre-selected choices, and I'd like suggestions on the  
> best way of connecting the interface changes with the back-end.
> Specifically, I've made the interface changes where I've changed the  
> from_addr field to "fromselect" in IMP's prefs.php file, and wrote  
> these interfaces changes to a fromselect.inc template file. The  
> interface part of this is fine.
> How now, would I set the values of my new fromselect field to be  
> added to the DB serialized data set, replacing from_addr? What is the 
>  most elegant way to do so?
> Alternatively, perhaps it might be easier to keep the field called  
> "from_addr", and simply force IMP to read from my fromselect.inc file 
>  to override the default field interface?
> Which approach would be easier here, and can you help provide the  
> information I'll need to complete this modification?

Some time ago i have discussed this on the list and the hint from some 
horde developer was to use a enum field in the preferences for 

Orginal text :
"Change the from_addr to be an 'enum' preference type instead of 
'text', and fill the 'enum' parameter with the correct values from the 
db based on Auth::getAuth()"

BTW i would be very interested to see this modification because we have 
the need for this too.



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