[imp] Accents in spellcheck with aspell (replay)

Fabio Lourenco Gomes flgomes at fazenda.sp.gov.br
Wed Nov 8 11:03:33 PST 2006

----- Mensagem de flgomes at fazenda.sp.gov.br ---------
     Data: Wed, 08 Nov 2006 14:51:47 -0200
     De: Fabio Lourenco Gomes <flgomes at fazenda.sp.gov.br>

> Hi list,
>   One month age I sent the following message to this list:
>>> Zitat von Fabio Lourenco Gomes <flgomes at fazenda.sp.gov.br>:
>>>> Hi list,
>>>>  While using the composing spellchecker all words with accents

>>>> are not being shown correctly. They presents non-printable    
>>>> characters  instead of the accented vowels.
>>>>  Does anyone know how to correct that? BTW, I'm using IMP
>>>>  PHP 5.0.4 and aspell 3.1.20.
>>> You might have to tweak the $nls['spelling'] values for your
>>> in config/nls.php.
>> It is alrealdy done, Jan. IMP is lauching aspell correctly with
>>  right dictionary. It is more a display problem than an aspell  problem.
>   Jan replied the message, but the solution suggested didn't solve
> problem. Does anyone have any new tips to solve or to help find the
> problem?
>   Apache, PHP, and the linux box are configured to use ISO-8859-1
> charset. All words are shown correctly in all horde modules. The
> problem restricts to the spell check page.

   Hi again,

   Examining the code I noticed that in <Horde>/lib/Horde/NLS.php,  
line 225, Horde enforces the use of UTF-8 charset for browsers that  
supports it. That piece of code wasn't present in the previous version  
I was using (3.0.9).

   Doing that change to UTF-8 breaks my dictionary that uses  
ISO-8859-1 charset. That code wouldn't be that bad if, as it happens  
with all modules, the dictionary's words were converted to UTF-8 too.

   To change that behaviour I just commented lines 255 to 229 of NLS.php.

   I would like to see comments on that solution, specially from Jan or Chuck.

   Fábio Gomes

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