[imp] raiseError with IMP browsing INBOX

Riccardo Riva -- Dam Sistemi S.r.l. r.riva at damsistemi.it
Wed Dec 6 05:01:19 PST 2006

Riccardo Riva ha scritto:
> Hi all,
> I have a problem using IMP (I've tried a lot of version) when i browse 
> the INBOX.
> IMP tell me :
> Fatal error: call to undefined function raisererror() in 
> /usr/share/php/Mail/RFC822.php
> If I delete some message IMP restarting work correctly but I can't see 
> anything wrong in the message deleted.
> Horde or Apache log files don't tell anything.
> What can you think can be, and more important in which way could I solve 
> it ?
> Thank you
> Riccardo

I've forgot to write to PEAR detail's

Installed packages, channel pear.php.net:
Package          Version  State
Archive_Tar      1.3.1    stable
Auth_SASL        1.0.2    stable
Cache            1.5.5RC4 beta
Console_Getopt   1.2      stable
DB               1.7.6    stable
Date             1.4.7    stable
File             1.2.2    stable
HTTP_Request     1.4.0    stable
Log              1.9.9    stable
Mail_Mime        1.3.1    stable
Net_Socket       1.0.6    stable
Net_URL          1.0.14   stable
PEAR             1.4.11   stable
SOAP             0.9.1    beta
Services_Weather 1.3.2    stable
XML_Parser       1.2.8    stable
XML_RPC          1.5.1    stable
XML_Serializer   0.16.0   beta
XML_Util         1.1.2    stable

So I have the latest PEAR packages (1.4.11), what else can I 
update/upgrade ?

Thank you

Riccardo Riva :::: System & Network Administrator
r.riva at damsistemi.it
gsm +39 348 8705172

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