[imp] IMAP Alert command (was Performance after upgrade)

Stephen A. Cochran Lists stephen.a.cochran.lists at cahir.net
Tue Feb 20 11:39:05 PST 2007

Yep, commented out everything in the IMP code, it had no effect.  
Makes sense since the server is still sending the alert, even if IMP  
isn't checking for it.

Not really sure where to look next; I'd need to have some way to be  
debugging the php script itself as well as the apache module. Also  
not sure if it should be reported against PHP or IMP.

The problem is easily reproducible with IMP, but the test.php login  
doesn't generate the same runaway process. So not sure a a simple  
stripped down script could reproduce it.

I'm more than willing to give you access to a test account that has  
an imap alert on login if you're interested in looking at it. You  
should be able to point any installation at it to see the problem.


On Feb 15, 2007, at 5:47 PM, Chuck Hagenbuch wrote:

> Our of curiosity did you try commenting out the imap_alerts calls?

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