[imp] Insert image give me blank page and don't send

Martin.Masse at cssamares.qc.ca Martin.Masse at cssamares.qc.ca
Wed Jun 13 17:28:12 UTC 2007


I have problem with Imp when a user want to insert image (insert button in 
html edition). Edition work good but when he want to send message, a blank 
page appear and the message is'nt send. The url of the image is from our 
website. If I insert image and save my message in draft folder and I send 
later, it seem to work. I have no idea where is the problem.


Martin Massé
Technicien en informatique cl. pr.
Com. scolaire des Samares
(450) 758-3500 # 2328
martin.masse at cssamares.qc.ca 

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