[imp] Message Verified Successfully but the signer's certificate could not be verified.

H.M. Brock hmbrock at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 21:41:37 UTC 2007

I am using Imp 4.1.3. I receive this message when I get signed mail. Message
Verified Successfully but the signer's certificate could not be verified.  I
am at a loss to which signer (I assume root ca) cant be verified and why. We
are our own ca and our root cert is in the browser. We also imported the
certs into imp.  In the help it states users can import the pkcs 12 , but I
also saw where it needs to be pkcs 7 in pem format. Which? I also could not
enter a password when trying to import in p7 cert in imp.
Everything works with outlook and thunderbird.
I am at a loss as to what steps I should take and need help please.


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