[imp] Message Verified Successfully but the signer's certificate could not be verified.

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Wed Jun 20 07:28:20 UTC 2007

Zitat von "H.M. Brock" <hmbrock at gmail.com>:

> Hello,
> I am using Imp 4.1.3. I receive this message when I get signed mail. Message
> Verified Successfully but the signer's certificate could not be verified.  I
> am at a loss to which signer (I assume root ca) cant be verified and why. We
> are our own ca and our root cert is in the browser. We also imported the
> certs into imp.  In the help it states users can import the pkcs 12 , but I
> also saw where it needs to be pkcs 7 in pem format. Which? I also could not
> enter a password when trying to import in p7 cert in imp.
> Everything works with outlook and thunderbird.
> I am at a loss as to what steps I should take and need help please.

You need to import your ca certs to the *server* certificates, as  
configured in IMP's setup.


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