[imp] Upgrading to Webmail Groupware Edition (1.0.1)

Son Truong svt at st-andrews.ac.uk
Fri Jun 22 09:59:56 UTC 2007


I am in the process of upgrading from Horde 2.2.9/IMP 3.2.8/Turba 1.2.2 
to Webmail Groupware Edition (1.0.1) and would like make some 
corrections to the documents and give some tips...

So you've installed Webmail Groupware Edition on a 'test' server and got 
it working and now would like to transfer the Address Book and user 
Preferences database for the new server...

In 'horde/turba/scripts/upgrades' the 1.2_to_2.0.sql script is missing 
two object columns, object_members and object_type, the script should 
now be this:

ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_uid VARCHAR(255);
ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_freebusyurl VARCHAR(255);
ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_smimepublickey TEXT;
ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_pgppublickey TEXT;

ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_members LONGTEXT;
ALTER TABLE turba_objects ADD COLUMN object_type VARCHAR(255);

I use MySQL and am moving to a new database so, I need to do a dump of 
the turba address book database:

mysqldump -u horde -p horde turba_objects > /var/tmp/turba.exp
Enter password:

which produces the export file:

-- MySQL dump 8.21
-- Host: localhost    Database: horde
-- Server version       3.23.49-log
-- Table structure for table 'turba_objects'
CREATE TABLE turba_objects (
  object_id varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  owner_id varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  object_name varchar(255) default NULL,
  object_alias varchar(32) default NULL,
  object_email varchar(255) default NULL,
  object_homeAddress varchar(255) default NULL,
  object_workAddress varchar(255) default NULL,
  object_homePhone varchar(25) default NULL,
  object_workPhone varchar(25) default NULL,
  object_cellPhone varchar(25) default NULL,
  object_fax varchar(25) default NULL,
  object_title varchar(32) default NULL,
  object_company varchar(32) default NULL,
  object_notes text,
  PRIMARY KEY  (object_id)
etc... [data follows]

Then in the new HORDE database create and import this turba_objects 
table (by dropping the one that is already there if there is one) and 
then upgrade it with the ALTER scripts above (which extends the table 
with the new columns).

mysql -u horde -p horde < /var/tmp/turba.exp
Enter password:

webmysql# mysql -u horde -p horde < /var/tmp/new.1.2_to_2.0.sql
Enter password:

This is the Address Book done. Next the user preferences. I found that 
the preferences messes a few things once imported into the new Webmail. 
This might not be an issue to you but you might want to take note.

The preferences transfer is done in the same way, with an export and 

mysqldump -u horde -p horde horde_prefs > /var/tmp/prefs.exp
Enter password:

mysql -u horde -p horde < /var/tmp/prefs.exp
Enter password:

So for me the 'last login' message always says 'never' once I perform 
the preferences transfer, so I need to delete all 'last login' entries 
from this table:

mysql -u horde -p horde
Enter password:
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 161 to server version: 5.0.27
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
mysql> delete from horde_prefs where pref_name = 'last_login';
Query OK, 21664 rows affected (3.70 sec)

Sorry that this message is a little long but I hope it helps. Let me 
know if any of this is wrong...
Son Truong

Son V Truong * Unix System Programmer * Systems Group
LIS: IT Services * University of St Andrews
01334 462373 * svt at st-andrews.ac.uk
Sent from Son's Work PC!

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