[imp] Weird IMAP folder listing

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Thu Nov 22 02:37:12 UTC 2007

Quoting Jaap Winius <jwinius at umrk.to>:

> Hi all,
> When using Horde2/IMP3, the drop-down list of mail folders has always
> been as it should be: there may be many mail folders, but only those
> that have been subscribed to show up in the list. With Horde3/IMP4,
> however, the same drop-down list shows many folders that I don't want
> to see -- often twice -- and all the extra ones are empty. For example,
> right now it looks much like this:
>    Anderson, John
>    Bunker, Archie
>    mail
>       Anderson, John
>       Belt, Sander
>       Fink, Barton
>       Patterson, Jim
>       Zauner, Joey
>    sent-mail
>    Trash
>    Zimmermann, Phil
>    ~
>       mail
>          Belt, Sander
>          Clinton, George
>          Gay, Bob
>          Wallace, Delroy
>          Zauner, Joey
> ... even though I meant for it to look like this using the IMAP folder
> subscriptions:
>    Anderson, John
>    Bunker, Archie
>    sent-mail
>    Trash
>    Zimmermann, Phil
> Why are all those other folders being displayed? How can this be
> prevented? They don't seem to be showing up due to folder
> subscriptions, file ownership, file permissions, or IMP's initial
> headers in the mail folders.
> I'm running Imp H3 v4.1.5 on Horde v3.1.5. It's being served from a
> Debian etch system running Apache2 and the uw-imapd package.



Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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