[imp] Weird IMAP folder listing -- Solution

Jaap Winius jwinius at umrk.to
Fri Nov 23 23:54:02 UTC 2007

Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:

> http://wiki.horde.org/ImpUWIMAPNamespaces

I tried using a patched version of the uw-imapd package, but in my case
that seemed to have no effect, so I just used the standard version. The
actual solution for me included getting two things right:

First, I created an /etc/c-client file that looked like this:

      I accept the risk
      set disable-plaintext nil
      set mail-subdirectory mail

Without "set disable-plaintext nil" I could not log in, and without
"set mail-subdirectory mail" IMP4 could not see the contents of my mail

Second, after wondering where my IMAP subscriptions were being saved, I
discovered that this was in the ~/.mailboxlist file. This file had
been migrated over from my old server, which runs Horde2, and it also
contained a series of ~/* entries that Horde2 was ignoring (no idea how
they got there). Horde3, however, was not ignoring them and was not
allowing me to change or delete these entries either, hence my
confusion. Cleaning out this file with a text editor and building it up
again using IMP4 was the answer.



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