[imp] Login tasks: delete number of sent-mail folders

Otto Stolz Otto.Stolz at uni-konstanz.de
Tue Jan 29 09:18:31 UTC 2008


Brett Charbeneau schrieb:
>  	I have a user who has set as one of her "Login Tasks" in IMP 4.1 to save 
> no more than 12 sent-mail folders. Unfortunately the client is keeping ALL 
> sent-mail folders in her home directory.

There is an article on UW-IMAP in the Horde Wiki:
Maybe, you’ll find an answer therein.

Apparently, UW-IMAP keeps all mail folders in the user’s
home directory -- but then I must say that I know next to
nothing about that particular IMAP server.

Best wishes,
   Otto Stolz

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